Quantum Mechanics (English) (Paperback)

ISBN: 978-81-241-1368-4

INR 595
INR 550

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Quantum Mechanics (English) (Paperback)

Quantum Mechanics is now the language of most branches of physics. This book starts with the linear vector spaces and operators and describes their importance in the formulation of quantum mechanics.

About The Author

Dr. M.P. Khanna

Dr. M.P. Khanna obtained his Ph.D. in 1966 from the University of Rochester in U.S.A. He was promoted be a Professor in 1984 and is currently the chairman of the department.


Book Details
Author Dr. M.P. Khanna
ISBN 978-81-241-1368-4
Subject University Level Textbooks >> Physics
Number of Pages 348
Weight 420 g
Publisher HarAnand Publications
Publication Year 2015
Language English
Binding Paperback

Reviews of Quantum Mechanics (English)