Har-Anand Publications


A Student Hand Book of Italian-Learning Italian through Design

A Student Hand Book of Italian-Learning Italian through Design
M.R.P ₹1495
Availability : In Stock
ISBN : 978-81-241-2001-9
Paola Martani Paola Martani is a graduate in philosophy of the University of Milan, holding the academic title of Dottorate in Philosophy, and has a master's degree in linguistics from the same university. Since 2014 she has been the programme coordinator and language teacher at the Italian Cultural Centre of the Italian Embassy in New Delhi . In 2016, she started teaching Indian aesthetic philosophy at the World School of Design in Sonipat.In June 2017 she released her first book, A Student Handbook of Italian.
Book Details |
Author | Paola Martani |
ISBN | 978-81-241-2001-9 |
Subject | Italian |
Publisher | Haranand Publications |
Publication Year | 2017 |
Language | English |
Binding | Paperback |