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Now I Enjoy Rape and Other Stories
Now I Enjoy Rape and Other Stories
Now I Enjoy Rape and Other Stories
₹500 M.R.P ₹595

 The stories of this collection titled Now I Enjoy Rape come out with the all-pervasive hypocrisy gripping the modern society at every level right from village to the globe. The stories provide reader a glimpse into the first hand experience of the writer. If we take up the title story in particular, we are face to face with the seamy reality of the deras being run under political patronage by the third rate goons masquerading as demigods. We see how they have no qualms of conscience in eclipsing the sacred relations like father-daughter. The writer having been an eye witness to the deeds of this mafia of the soul has presented his experiences in such a poignant manner that the reader is badly shaken at the level of soul. Reading Sukhjit’s stories is a plunge into the deep cavern of subtle artistry. The reader does not struggle to come out of the cave and even after the story is complete, he finds it difficult for some time to come out of the trance. These stories encompass every aspect of human personality and expose the shallowness, callousness, individualism, dual standards and superstitions of modern society etc. in a big way. Undeniably, this collection can aptly be taken as a treat into the psychoanalysis of various characters and situations. Sukhjit deserves kudos for this creative endeavor that adds to the treasure of literature and some of these can surely be placed along the short stories at international level. 

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ISBN : 978-81-951251-2-8
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 The stories of this collection titled Now I Enjoy Rape come out with the all-pervasive hypocrisy gripping the modern society at every level right from village to the globe. The stories provide reader a glimpse into the first hand experience of the writer. If we take up the title story in particular, we are face to face with the seamy reality of the deras being run under political patronage by the third rate goons masquerading as demigods. We see how they have no qualms of conscience in eclipsing the sacred relations like father-daughter. The writer having been an eye witness to the deeds of this mafia of the soul has presented his experiences in such a poignant manner that the reader is badly shaken at the level of soul. Reading Sukhjit’s stories is a plunge into the deep cavern of subtle artistry. The reader does not struggle to come out of the cave and even after the story is complete, he finds it difficult for some time to come out of the trance. These stories encompass every aspect of human personality and expose the shallowness, callousness, individualism, dual standards and superstitions of modern society etc. in a big way. Undeniably, this collection can aptly be taken as a treat into the psychoanalysis of various characters and situations. Sukhjit deserves kudos for this creative endeavor that adds to the treasure of literature and some of these can surely be placed along the short stories at international level. 

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Sukhjit Sukhjit is a well-known name in the world of Punjabi fiction today. It is because of his literary prowess of not only writing but telling the story and thus taking the reader along. In the process of reading, the reader does have a sense of identification with the overall atmosphere and characters of the stories. As a result, he experiences a purgation of sentiments which has its own sublimating effect on him. It is a quantum leap in the genre of Punjabi short story. Sukhjit has the knack of building his plots in such a way that it turns out to be a multilateral and successful journey from micro to the macro. He does not only focus on the nucleus of the story but also analyzes the motivational factors operative behind it. He moulds the story in the cause and effect scheme of things which gives way to a rhythmicality in the plot. He is a master tamer of words which dance at his tune. Through this jugglery he keeps building the plot and carries it on to the stage of climax in such a masterly manner that the reader is spell bound.

Book Details
Author Sukhjit
ISBN 978-81-951251-2-8
Subject Fiction
Number of Pages 200
Weight 226
Publication Year 2021
Language English
Binding Paperback

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